Hey Girl, Let’s Dive into Your Cycle & Birth Control Journey!
We’d love to hear your thoughts on contraception and your menstrual cycle—your voice matters and every response helps us create a better, more intuitive approach to women's wellness journeys. Feel free to share openly!
Lets start with your name and stage of life you’re rocking!
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Have you ever tracked your cycle?
Using apps, calendars or manually noting symptoms like
period start date, PMS or ovulation
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Do you know the impacts your menstrual cycle has on your general lifestyle?
Hormones can affect your energy, mood, digestion, skin, metabolism, and more.
Are you aware of these changes?
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How well do you understand the different phases of your menstrual cycle?
Your cycle includes menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases. How well do you know what each phase is all about?
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How would you describe your menstrual cycle?
Consider the consistency of your period - does it arrive at roughly the same time each month, vary unpredictably, or not occur at all?
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Have you ever used hormonal contraception?
This includes birth control pills, hormonal IUDs, injections, implants, or patches
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Have you considered taking a break from, or stopping hormonal contraception before?
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If you have considered stopping, why?
Choose as many as you like
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If you have already stopped using hormonal contraception, why?
Choose as many as you like
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If you’ve used hormonal contraception, how long did you use it for?
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Have you experienced any of the following while on hormonal contraception?
Choose as many as you like
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How familiar are you with
non-hormonal contraceptive options?
These include condoms, copper IUDs, cycle tracking, or withdrawal
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What are your biggest concerns about birth control and menstrual health?
Choose as many as you like
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Would you be interested in learning how to take control of your menstrual health without hormonal birth control?
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How would you like to learn?
Choose as many as you like
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Do you have any other concerns about your menstrual health not covered so far?
Enter any comments below
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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience - you’re helping us create a wellness approach that truly works for women, making your cycle your superpower every step of the way!
Want to know more?
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